
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

And in the beginning

I finish Uni on Friday for the year. The first half went really well but this second half has not. I've lost motivation, I need to take some time out for myself and just work on my fitness- which will help my studies when I go back next year, my diet -which will make me a happier camper and my organizational skills/ procrastination habits.
I have a few massive goals and they all seem to be interlinked with each other- acheiving/working towards one will have a snowball effect on the rest. I haven't put them to paper properly yet but my main summer goals are to lose some of the excess 80lbs I am holding onto, follow my fitness plan -using my pedometer and walking 10,000 steps a day, and not smoking.
It's such a lovely spring day- it feels more like summer really. I love summer, but I hate the fact that all I ever wear anymore are trackpants and baggy tops. I want to go outside and enjoy the sunshine and wear some of the fantastic clothes i could wear a couple of years ago.
On friday i am going down to sign up for weight watchers to keep me accountable for each week but i have started tracking what i eat over the last few days and it seems i am not eating nearly enough food follwed but one meal that blows everything out of control. I need to learn to eat more meals -instead of the 2 i eat now and stop using a whole day's worth of calories consuming sugary caffinated drinks to keep my energy levels up.
I love to cook -food is a great passion of mine and i love to experiment. I just need to put those things to better more healthy use instead of making a huge meal for just two people.

-Final Exam 2.15pm
-Track food

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